'TURKEY FRY | INDIAN Style Turkey Recipe Cooking in Village | Traditional Vaan Kozhi Varuval Recipe'

'TURKEY FRY | INDIAN Style Turkey Recipe Cooking in Village | Traditional Vaan Kozhi Varuval Recipe'
10:54 Apr 7, 2021
'Today we cooking turkey fry recipe with using four turkeys. Normally western country foods have turkey with roasted turkeys and thanksgiving turkey. But Indian Village foods has turkey recipes with turkey fry, gravy masala, biryani, and some more.  We cook this turkey fry with a traditional method with using traditional ingredients. In our village, we call this recipe as vaan kozhi varuval and it is our favorite.' 

Tags: indian recipes , Indian food , turkey , south indian food , Cooking in Village , turkey recipe , turkey fry , vaan kozhi varuval , vaan kozhi fry , vaan kozhi food

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